Constant Values

So far, we have used the enum keyword to define a list of allowed values for a property. But what if you want to define a single constant value for a property?

Consider, you want to define a property companyName with a constant value MyCompany. any other value for companyName should be considered invalid.

2  "name":"John Doe",
3  "age": 25,
4  "companyName": "MyCompany"

const Keyword

The const keyword is used to define a single constant value for a property. The value of the const keyword can be any valid JSON value.


2  "const": "MyCompany"

Now, try to add a new property companyName in the JSON schema in side editor such that it should have a constant value MyCompany.

Just for practice, we will also set the age to a constant value of 25.

Good to Know
  • Values defined in const are case-sensitive. So MyCompany and myCompany are considered different values.
  • You don't need to add type keywords when using const. The const keyword itself implies the type of the value.
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