JSON Schema Tour

Welcome to the JSON Schema Tour! In this interactive tour you will be introduced to JSON Schema. You will learn how to use JSON Schema draft 2020-12 to validate JSON documents.

Are there any prerequisites?

No! You just need to know what JSON is.

What is JSON Schema?

JSON Schema is a language used for defining the structure and constraints of a JSON document. A JSON Schema is a JSON document that you can use to validate or document another JSON, which we call a JSON instance.

First Schema

Let's start with a simple example. Consider you have a JSON document of an employee:

2  "name": "John Doe",
3  "age": 25

This JSON document has two properties:

  • name with value John Doe (string)
  • age with value 25 (integer)

Task: You are given an incorrect schema for above JSON data on the side editor. Change the type of age property from number to integer and validate the schema.

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